For some bizarre reason, the run key and fire key have been switched, while the side-step doesn't exist. Thus anyone who has played Doom a lot - like myself, for instance - will find the keyboard unusable. I appreciate the fact that the game is trying to make a departure from the Doom formula to an extent, but this doesn't work. So what's the mouse control method like in practice? Well, I have to confess that I didn't get on well with it, which is why I was so disappointed to discover that the keyboard only controls were such a pile of cack. Of course, this is a matter of personal preference, but I felt that using the mouse was more than a little clumsy at times. Graphically, Dr. Radiaki seems like a cross between Doom and Wolfenstein. Opening doors is identical to Wolfie and, although the visuals as a whole are a deal more sophisticated, they certainly don't come close to rivalling Doom. One of the main problems the scenery suffers from is repetition - whole tracts of levels look very much the same.